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Wamp server Usag and Download

download free Wamp server

Downlaod Wamp server with usage

A developer need to install Apache and php to run its coding files on local host but it is very difficult to install and configure them. Now a day’s some server available in market to configure them easily and one of the best local server is WAMP server. It can easily configure Apache, Mysql and php, can be online or offline with one click. It is and open source developing application which can be run on window type operating system include window xp, window vista, window 7 and window 8.It also give you the facility of phpMyadmin which allow you to easily manage your database. It is very easy to install wamp server just go to his official web site and get the application setup. Note: before to download it will give you the option to download a Microsoft dll file, it is very necessary to use wamp server. After downloading wamp server install it and select your option according to your need. After installing you can easily access your local server by just typing localhost or in your browser address bar.It will create three icons one on desktop second on quick menu third in left array bar. You can easily access Wamp all menu by just left click one left array bar icon. if the icon is read means server is offline if green means all is well and the wamp server running online correctly. When you click on left bar icon it give you a lot of icons including first one is localhost to get access localhost server, second one is phpmyadmin to get access your database.

Note: The default password for phpmyadmin is empty means password filed should remain empy and default username is root. Thir one option is www directory it is a directory that store all our files folder and sub folder to use them on local host. Next option is apache who give you the information like apache version, services and directories etc. PHP option gives you the information about php version, php setting and extensions. Mysql option to give you the version information, services and a console to edit settings, some other options also included like to put offline or offline, to stop all services, to start all services and restart all services. If you want to update some plug-ins you have to update all every time you want. not very good for production type servers.

download Free Wampserver From Here

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